Just realized my Scratch Account: Balloonshroom101 Turns 1 Year Old in 11 days (1/13/22). Time sure flies. It feels like I made Nothing Simulator a month ago. But I don't have any projects planned for it. I haven't been feeling the creative mood since SotF:PP and even then, that was a remix for Team Seas. It's already 2022 but i don't feel like I've accomplished much. Not as much as I feel I should've anyway.
Y'know, when I first joined Newgrounds, I thought I would get a fair bit of recognition. At least... more than I have now. I wanted to make a full fledged version of Botany Presser (BP) I expected to have that done by February THIS YEAR. Specifically it's 1 Year anniversary, 2/13/22. But I haven't done anything for BP outside BP: 30s,1BE. It doesn't even have any art outside my own. I don't think anyone even talks about it here, aside from me. Same goes true for EVERYTHING I've done. I can't do it myself due to reasons i'd... rather not talk about. I've been wanting to do SOMETHING for My and BP's 1YA but i am not sure what. I feel like a failure. I'm not quitting BalloonShroom though. I don't know what to do anymore.