Now, at around this time, I would normally post something along the lines of "Guess who suddenly got all the motivation (and then some) they needed to to finish their Project at 10 PM Hahahahahahahahaha" but...
Well, to be honest, I don't really have that motivation. I don't feel like I'll get it anytime soon. In fact, I never even started the animation to begin with. The only thing I've done since I've made that news post is make a rectangle. A single rectangle. I haven't done anything since that. I don't have the motivation to finish it at all. or make another thing in it's place. I don't have the motivation to make the funny laughing face that goes earlier in the post. I don't even have the motivation to say all the things I was going to say in this post.
If you were expecting an actual Movie, I'm sorry but It's not gonna happen. If you weren't expecting anything, I guess you did get that but it doesn't make this situation any funnier so sorry to you too.