Botany Presser’s Anniversary:
Botany Presser has officially turned 3 years old as of February 13th 2024. Botany Presser, known as Button Clicker Tower Defense at the time, was the first REAL game I've ever made. (Nothing Simulator technically isn’t a game and A Game About Tanks is more of a test project than anything) I put a lot of effort into this game and I am proud of how it has turned out. I wish I could do more though.
To celebrate this momentous occasion I have made some art for it. Here's the art. I wish I could celebrate more but to be honest I don’t want to do anything as of right now.
There are some things I‘ve always wanted to do with it besides making it a full game. I’ve wanted to port Botany Presser as it is right now to Flash. I want to draw Botany Presser characters in [literally anything but Scratch]. I’ve also wanted to make a website dedicated to Balloonshroom with things involving Botany Presser in them but unfortunately, I don’t know how to code. I’d really like to do this one though.
Here’s to Botany Presser’s 3 Year Anniversary and to many more after.
Another Occasion:
I’m also proud to report that I myself am also reaching a monumental milestone in my life within the first quarter of 2024. It‘s actually close to BP’s anniversary too. I wonder if anyone here can guess what the occasion is.
What's happening currently:
I've been in a depressive mood recently. I talk about it more here but long story short, I wish I could make more of a positive impact on the world. Thankfully however, Lizguy74 has been lifting my spirits by spreading positive commentary on my art and news posts. He's even recommending my content to other people. He's also come up with a cure for cancer and solved world hunger. That last part isn't true but the point is he's a hero to me. I like him a lot. Generally seems like a great guy. If you're reading this post thank you. I'm glad i was able to have a positive impact on one person.
I’ve already talked about this in a forum post but recently I’ve downloaded Dolphin, the GameCube/Wii emulator and I think it’s really good. I downloaded 5 games onto it as of now. Does anyone have any suggestions for games for me to play?
Other stuff:
I should probably talk about some other stuff that has happened since my last Some News segment.
I've just noticed this now but I've finally reached and surpassed 50 fans on Newgrounds. PeintiumMHX was the 50th fan. Only took 3 years. Nice. Hope I can reach 100 fans within my lifetime.
You know, speaking of websites, I have quite a few I’d like to make. Remember the mystery site I wanted to make back in 2022? I don’t want to make it anymore. I now want to make plenty of different sites, all with different purposes and I'd like someone to help me with them. If anyone could at least show me how to code my own site that would be nice. There's a lot of different things I'd like to do in my lifetime but sadly I am currently unable to achieve most of them.
I’ve been thinking about getting my art commissioned (this doesn’t mean I’m doing commissions myself). I currently have 2 art projects I was going to make but I wasn't able to make them on time. I’d like someone else to draw specifically the first one but unfortunately I prefer to have it done for free and I don’t think anyone is willing to do it for free so I guess I’m just out of luck.
I have finished updating this post. Thank you for reading it.