Ex-Scratch Game Developer.
Still do art and open to work if I'm able and available.
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All News, Vol #2: JULY 2024

Posted by Balloonshroom - 2 days ago


Hello Dear Viewers. Welcome to All News: Balloonshroom's Monthly Update Blog. This is the News Post where I give you ALL the latest info on what's up with Balloonshroom during any particular month. The month this time is July in the year 2024.

Check back every day to see more updates (probably).

<--Vol. #1 |Vol. #2| Vol. #3--> (Coming Soon)

Some Projects:

Latest Projects:

Scheduled Projects:

Fourth Of July Art: July 4th 2024

Ping And Murz Art: N/A 2024

The Box Office Issue #4: Unscheduled

Eggishly Easterizing Update: Unscheduled


At least 3 projects for July by August 2024 (Hopefully).

Some Recommendations:

@Lizguy. He's a very good fan of mine. He gives nice messages about my art which I like. His art is... roughly the same quality as my art which makes me happy (always nice to have a friend with the same talents as you), but he has WAY more art than me which makes me sad about my output rate plus he makes audio and has more movies than me (I have more games than him though and his games are all collabs but given the quality of my games, that might not be such a positive.)

@mawibblap. His art is pretty good though a little small at times with small resolution. He talks to me sometimes. I showed him funny or interesting videos alot on Newgrounds Chat. He doesn't go there anymore :(.

More recommendations coming within the month.

Some Comments:

July 1st: Looks like we have officially entered the halfway point of the year. I swear it was January 1st two months ago. Time keeps on passing me by. 2023 came and went without any important developments for me. I'm getting older. I don't want to get older. I wish I had more time to do the things I want to do.

July 3rd: Looks like the Scratch Devs are performing maintenance on the site right now . I won't be able to do my art right now. [Sigh] This happens every time (says Balloonshroom during the only time this has ever happened).

Update: It's finished.

Weekly Advice:

Week 1: It's the middle of summer so if you are feel like you're hot, try your luck by talking to a woman. If she's into you, that means you were correct. If she's not then that probably means I misunderstood what you meant by "hot".

Question of the month: If you could transform into anything you wanted, be it an animal, an object, or a different type of human, what would it be? You can change back and forth between you and the thing of your choice at any time.



Comments ain't a thing here.